Wishing Everyone Peace and Justice in 2024!
Malden Education Association
Deb Gesualdo, President Jessica Gold Boots, Vice President
Colleen LeShane, Recording Secretary Suzanne Millett, Membership Secretary
Rachel LeBlanc, Treasurer Katie Carter, Corresponding Secretary
Rebeccah Griffith, Representative At-Large Tim Stratford, Representative At-Large
Wishing You Peace, Justice, and Health in 2024!
National Council of Urban Education Associations
Brent McKim (KY), President Shannon Rasmussen (WA), Vice President
Alfonso Salais (MI), Secretary-Treasurer Kumar Rashad (KY), Ethnic Minority Dir. At-Large
Kevin Hickerson (VA), Eastern Region Dir. Deb Gesualdo (MA), Eastern Region Dir.
Angie Patrick (TN), Central Region Dir. Sara Earleywine (IA), Central Region Dir.
Lori Burris (OK), Mountain Region Dir. Ang Anderson (CO), Mountain Region Dir.
Robert Ellis (CA), Pacific Region Dir. Becca Ritchie (WA), Pacific Region Dir.
Peace. Joy. Justice.
National Education Association
This holiday season—along with educators, public service employees, students, families, and our allies—we celebrate in love and solidarity. Thank you for your dedication to public education, our communities, and to building a brighter future for all.
Becky Pringle, NEA President Princess R. Moss, NEA Vice President
Kim A. Anderson, NEA Executive Director Noel Candelaria, NEA Secretary-Treasurer
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