2023 MEA Officer Elections
The candidates listed below have been declared elected and will begin their two-year terms on July 1, 2023.
Deb Gesualdo, President
With over a decade of union leadership experience, I know we must take bold action on the issues that matter to our union. Together, we will strengthen our rank-and-file movement, grow our power as educators and as a union, and take back our dignity and respect as workers.
Jessica Gold Boots, Vice President
We are strong as a union when we stand together. As a vice president, I stand for building a strong, member-driven rank-and-file union powered by your choice and voice!
Colleen LeShane, Recording Secretary
After serving a term as your Recording Secretary, I have a strong desire to continue my work, building and maintaining this amazing Union of OURS!
Katie Carter, Corresponding Secretary
The MEA is vital in making sure that we as educators receive the respect that we deserve. I would love to be more involved in the process and believe that my interpersonal and organizational skills and strong work ethic make me a good fit for the position of corresponding secretary.
Suzanne Millett, Membership Secretary
I am happy to help any new colleague join the MEA and become a valuable member of our union!
Rachel LeBlanc, Treasurer
Iām very organized and know I can be an effective treasurer for the MEA. I have already served on our Crisis Action Team chair, worked as a picket captain, and am currently a MHS building representative.
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